




学生 walking through the entrance of The Green Vale School, 长岛的一所私立学校, 纽约

新闻 & 视频

A Touchdown Talk: A Glimpse into the Strategy of the NFL with William 邓

GVS家长William 邓向高年级学生讲述了他作为美国国家橄榄球联盟(NFL)企业战略主管的角色。, 提供一个迷人的一瞥到著名的体育组织的内部运作. 

邓, father to Marshall (Pre-K) and Wyatt (2nd Grade), 他的演讲以NFL电影公司每年制作的独家视频开始, 带学生们踏上一段旅程,领略过去这个足球赛季令人振奋的精彩时刻. 学生 were on the edge of their seats as play-by-play moments unfolded on screen, garnering some pronounced “oohs and aahs” along the way.

更深入, 邓 shared insights into the elite world of the NFL, explaining the rigorous process of actually securing a spot on an NFL roster as a player, 0完成的壮举.0.005%的有希望的人. 带着一点幽默, 他打趣地说, "如果你想加入NFL, 走我的路可能是最简单的路线."

But 邓's path wasn't without its own twists and turns, likening his journey to Sheryl Crow's "Everyday is a Winding Road.“在2023年担任现职之前,邓在NFL媒体战略部门工作了8年 & Business Development group, spearheading various media partnerships. 拥有高盛等知名机构的金融和战略背景, 国际品牌集团, 和克林顿基金会, 邓的学历是B。.S. 拥有宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院经济学学士学位和麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院工商管理硕士学位.

深入研究引人入胜的统计数据, 邓 revealed football's status as America's favorite sport, 俘获了70%人口的心, NFL节目在前100个节目中排名第93位,并且在全球范围内继续增长. 美国国家橄榄球联盟(NFL)的国旗橄榄球联盟(Flag Football League)也在崛起,该联盟现在是2028年洛杉矶奥运会的一部分.

Highlighting the NFL's staggering $20 Billion annual revenue stream from media, 门票销售, 事件, 商品, 和赞助, 邓 offered students a glimpse into the multitude of career opportunities within the NFL, 生成策略, 内容制作, 法律, 及以后.

With a focus on his role as Head of Corporate Strategy, 邓简化了“战略”这个词,将其定义为设定目标, 然后制定一个计划来实现这个目标. His specific responsibilities include identifying trends, 围绕长期增长潜力设定目标, and ensuring everyone stays on task and works together. From enhancing game safety and excitement to engaging the next generation of fans, 邓's strategic vision encompassed every facet of the NFL's operations.

在关闭, 邓 imparted invaluable advice on the power of networking, 弹性, 和自我发现, urging students to embrace failure as a stepping stone to success. “总是倾听,努力工作,了解自己的优势,不要害怕失败,再试一次。.”

他的话在空气中萦绕, 学生们带着新的灵感离开,对NFL的内部运作有了更深入的了解.

GVS Book Fair: Where Reading Becomes an Adventure

Green Vale hosted its annual Book Fair on April 8-12 in the Cheryl Webb Gymnasium.

健身房似乎活跃起来了, 像各种形状的书一样, size, 流派在表格中排列, their colorful covers calling curious minds to explore. 从幼儿园到八年级的学生们走进书展,看到这么多等待被发现的书,他们的眼睛里充满了兴奋.  

Throughout the week, students browsed the aisles, eager to find their next favorite read. The Book Fair concluded with a grand finale at 爷爷奶奶 & “朋友日”是学生们最后一次把他们的文学珍品带回家的日子.

衷心感谢所有志愿者, especially co-chairs Susie Anderson and Maria Lustig, who worked hard to ensure that everything ran smoothly. 

格林谷的书展不仅仅是一个买书的机会,也是一个培养对阅读的热爱和发现新故事的机会. 这周末之前, 学生们抱着满满的书离开了书展,心中充满了对书页中等待他们的冒险的兴奋.

世代团结:十大网络彩票平台大全的祖父母 & 朋友节庆祝活动

格林维尔的祖父母 & 朋友节是一个珍贵的时刻,学校社区聚集在一起庆祝世代之间的纽带和丰富学生全球最大彩票网站排名的持久友谊.

星期五早上, 4月12日, 家庭, 朋友, 亲人们聚集在校园里, 迎接我的是学生们热情的微笑, 老师, 和工作人员. 一整天, 教室里热闹非凡,学生们热切地与他们的特别嘉宾分享他们最新的项目和学校经历. 

From colorful art displays to hands-on math lessons, 每间教室都提供了一个充满活力的学习环境的一瞥,定义了十大网络彩票平台大全. 书展更增添了人们的兴奋, offering a chance for book lovers of all ages to discover new literary gems.

当活动接近尾声时, 空气中充满了感激之情,感谢所有为其成功做出贡献的人. From the dedicated 老师 to the hardworking staff, it was clear that teamwork had made the day memorable for all involved.

展望未来, 有一种对未来的期待, 充满了更多的联系时刻, 庆祝活动, 分享快乐. 爷爷奶奶 & 朋友节不仅让我们走到了一起, 它重申了将我们作为一个社区联系在一起的纽带,并使我们心中充满了对每天围绕着我们的爱和支持的感激之情.

Eclipse Excitement: Green Vale's Hands-On Learning Adventure

As the time of the big event approached, excitement filled the Green Vale School campus. 今天 was no ordinary day—it was the day of the solar eclipse, a rare celestial event that captured the attention of students and 老师 alike.

在日食之前的几天里, 高年级和低年级的学生都沉浸在动手学习项目中,为活动做准备. 在科学课上, 他们制作了针孔投影仪, learning about the science behind the eclipse and the importance of safe viewing practices. 

八年级学生谢伊·杜雷特了解到,当月亮经过地球和太阳之间时,就会发生日食, 改变太阳的图像. "The 2024 solar eclipse is a very rare occurrence. 这是几十年来第一次,无论你住在美国的哪个地方,你都能看到某种形式的日食. It is dubbed the Great North American Eclipse by some sources," he shared. 在格林谷, 我们设计了一个针孔投影仪来观察月亮经过太阳时的图像. It provides a safe way to view the eclipse clearly, without using solar eclipse glasses."

高年级学生做得更多, creating additional projectors for their 儿童早期 buddies, spreading the spirit of camaraderie and mentorship. 投影仪上装饰着五颜六色的装饰,为他们的创作注入了创造力. 脸上带着微笑, they eagerly demonstrated how to use the projectors to their younger buddies, 培养领导意识和激情.

 “创建一个针孔视图盒是一项有趣的活动, and also made students think about how scarce solar eclipses really are,GVS八年级学生Janis Vitols说. “我们在装饰送给幼儿伙伴的盒子时玩得很开心, and they even learned new facts about the eclipse throughout the process." 

日食开始时, Upper School students gathered on the GVS field … their pinhole projectors in hand. 非常精确地, 他们透过投影仪窥视, 惊叹于日食——将他们在课堂上学到的所有知识应用到现实全球最大彩票网站排名中. 适合那些喜欢待在室内的人, 在哈里斯剧院进行了现场直播, still providing a safe and captivating view of the eclipse.

“日食是一生一次的机会,”高中科学老师艾莎·戴利说. “尽管我们还没有到达日全食的轨道, 我们看到太阳覆盖了很大一部分, 约89%. This was an exciting moment for our students, faculty, 和工作人员."

今天, 十大网络彩票平台大全社区聚集在一起庆祝一次非凡的目击事件——直到2044年才会在纽约再次发生——所有这些都是在学习的同时进行的, 创造力, 和导师和谐相处. 当日食达到顶峰时, 空气中充满了惊奇的感觉, 提醒每个人宇宙的美丽和神奇,以及实践科学的力量,使我们更接近它.

Science Adventures: Tales of Imagination and Discovery

三名六年级学生开始了一场文学冒险,创作他们自己的儿童书籍,这是奥巴马先生的一部分. 艾伯特的科学课. 通过这些富有想象力的书, young readers were introduced to scientific concepts such as motion, 摩擦, 和重力, 无缝地融入故事情节.

米娜·米特比写道. Mc Piffle 's Long Drive.这个故事一直跟着奥巴马先生. Mc Piffle's lifelong ambition of becoming a racecar driver, 在一系列的挑战中展开, 包括在危险的地形上航行,比如开车爬上一座大山,穿越结冰的湖泊. 通过这个故事,孩子们以一种容易掌握的方式学习了运动和摩擦等科学概念.

反思她的创作过程, Mina shared the excitement and challenges of bringing her book to life. From selecting illustrations to defining scientific terms, each step was a labor of love. Yet, holding the finished book in her hands made every obstacle worthwhile.

Meanwhile, Sonia Malhotra and Lucas Li collaborated on "Sally's Lesson 十大网络彩票平台大全 Gravity." Their story followed Sally, a young dreamer eager to fly. 用自制的纸翅膀和决心, Sally's quest to defy gravity sparked curiosity and wonder among readers. 然而, when her mother gently explained the concept of gravity, 那天晚上,莎莉的梦发生了令人心酸的转折. 他们充满了飞翔的感觉,也有害怕和不确定的时刻,担心自己不能安全返回地面. Sally then discovered a newfound appreciation for gravity, realizing that it was the very force that kept her safe.

Mina, Sonia, and Lucas left a lasting impact on our young students. 他们富有想象力的故事不仅娱乐,而且让学生以适合年龄的方式理解科学概念.